Behind the sport aspect, what characterizes the Vélo Vert Festival is without a doubt the conviviality, the sharing, the mutual aid and the spirit of fun. It is thanks to this strength, this dedication but also the good mood of each volunteer that the #VVFestival has become the event it is nowadays.

Become a member of the organisation of Velo Velo Vert Festival by joining the great family of Super Volunteer
The multiple volunteer missions
On the races, you will be in contact with the participants, showing them the way and ensuring their safety. The participants are grateful for your presence and like to hear your encouragement.
Equipped with a car of the organization and a bike carrier, you assist the participants (mechanical breakdown, physical failure…) on the various races of the program and bring them back to the finish.
It is before the beginning of the event that you take care of the best preparation of the races. Thanks to the marking, the participant can evolve without getting lost on the paths. Once the event is over, it’s time to clear the paths so as not to leave any trace of our presence. Outside, the weather conditions can sometimes make this job difficult. It requires a good physical condition and knowledge of the sector.
During the event, you are on a mountain bike and you ensure the good quality of the marking of the test paths and their security. Outside, the weather conditions can make this mission difficult. It requires a good physical condition and knowledge of the sector.
Set up timing equipment, time races and ensure that it works correctly.
It’s on your MTB or e-MTB that you open or close the timed races and rides. Outside, the weather conditions can make this mission difficult. It requires a good physical condition and knowledge of the sector.
This position consists in setting up and running the refreshment stands. They are planned on each race, so you will be in contact with the participants. It sometimes requires handling.
On the fair, at the info point huts, you will be the first contacts of the visitors and will answer their various questions (and if you know the Giffre Valley like the back of your hand, it’s even better!)
You will have a privileged contact with participants on one of the different stages of our registration process. Knowledge of computer tools (I-Pad, computer) is recommended. Good mood and smile are a must.
On the different parking areas, you will be in charge of the good circulation of the cars. Good mood, smile and reactivity for this mission.
Before the event, you will be in charge of setting up, marking and signposting the fair. During the event, you will be the privileged contact of the exhibitors.
At the various entrances of the fair, you will be the first contact for visitors and will have to ensure the security of the passages by carrying out a visual check of the bags. Good mood, smile and rigor for this mission.

- T-shirt Organisation
- 1 tote bag
- 35€ discount on your Vélo Vert Festival’s registration
A lot of other surprises are planned for you.. Follow us on Facebook to be aware of the news !
According to your timetable, food and accommodation could be for free (subject to availability).
The role of the volunteer referent is to manage a group of 5 to 10 volunteers.
His/her missions are important because they guarantee the smooth running of the Festival as well as the safety of the volunteers and the participants.
- Contact your group of volunteers once you know their name, to ensure their availability and create a first link.
- Attend the opening briefing of the festival to :
- Meet the volunteers,
- Find out the position of the emergency services or any other helpers on the site
- Agree on the organization and the meeting place with your different volunteers,
- Collect your t-shirts and “Organization” badges!
- Train volunteers.
- Check that they have the necessary equipment.
- Check their availability the day before and during the day (in case of absence or no response, contact the volunteer coordination team).
- Collect the equipment needed for your activity and check if its working before handing it over to the volunteers.
- Keep in touch with your volunteers to check their presence at their post, to manage incidents and to check their departure from their post at the end of their shift.
- Return equipment at the end of the day.
- Report any incidents to the volunteer coordinator.
- They give you a job description
- They train you to your mission
- They supply the equipment you and your team need
- They Remind you of general and specific safety instructions for the mission.
- They Take into account the reports of incidents.
In order to prepare the Vélo Vert Festival, several volunteer meetings are organized.
If you cannot attend these meetings, a report will be sent to you so that everyone has the information they need.
April 2023 :
Presentation meeting for volunteers :
6:30 pm: Information meeting for volunteers with the organizing team and the elected officials of Samoëns.
8:00 pm: A friendly moment around an aperitif
- Presentation of the event
- Presentation of the different volunteer missions
- A moment of exchange to answer all the questions
We will also propose activities together on Saturday in order to get to know each other and share a good time.
Mercredi 31 mai 2023 :
Réunion d’informations bénévoles (Espace le Bois aux Dames) :
18h30 pour les Responsables et Référents bénévoles.
19h30 pour les bénévoles.
- Brève présentation de l’événement,
- Présentation des Responsables et Référents bénévoles,
- Informations précises liées aux missions de chacun,
- Moment d’échanges entre les Responsables, les Référents bénévoles et leurs équipes.
Le tout suivi d’un temps d’échange, de questions réponses autour d’un apéritif gourmand, dans la bonne ambiance qui règne au Vélo Vert Festival.
Wednesday, May 31, 2023:
Volunteer Information Meeting:
6:30 pm for Volunteer Leaders and Referent.
7:30 pm for the volunteers.
- Brief presentation of the event
- Presentation of the volunteer leaders and referents
- Specific information related to the missions of each one
- A moment of exchange between the leaders, the volunteer referents and their teams.
- The whole followed by a time of exchange, questions and answers around a yummy aperitif, in the good atmosphere that reigns at the Velo Vert Festival.
Sunday, June 04, 2023:
Closing of the fair + volunteers’ party !
5:30 pm: We all meet on Sunday to close the doors of this great fair, all together and in a good mood!
8:00 pm: We invite you to a great volunteers’ party to share a meal together and to celebrate the end of this beautiful event that we will have accomplished collectively. A unique moment to thank you for your great help. The evening will take place at the Volunteer accomodation, Le Berouze
1 – Who is a Super Volunteer ?
It is a volunteer who participates in the organization of the Vélo Vert Festival. He/She will have various missions according to his/her preferences. He/She is also enthusiastic, motivated and does not hesitate to give his voice to support the participants in the different races/rides.
Becoming Super Volunteer in the #VVFestival is an opportunity to be totally included in the organization of the event and to discover it from another angle. All this in a friendly atmosphere.
2 – What are the advantages of being a Super Volunteer ?
A 35€ discount, that means at least one pass to test bikes or participate to a race/ride of your choice.
A complete Organization equipment composed of a T-shirt, a tote bag and other surprises.
A place dedicated to the volunteers, a lunch box and a special party for the volunteers on Sunday evening to celebrate the end of the Vélo Vert Festival.
And many other things to discover on site!
3 – How to register as a volunteer on the Vélo Vert Festival ?
You just have to fill in « Volunteer registration ».
4 – What are the different jobs that Super Volunteers can take on at the Vélo Vert Festival?
Refreshment, signalling, marking / unmarking… Find all the missions of the festival just above.
Make your choice and we will try to respect it as much as possible according to the needs of the event. No matter your gender, whether you are a cyclist or not, whether you are available for 1, 2, 3 or 6 days… we welcome all volunteers over 16 years old in the great and beautiful team of the Vélo Vert Festival to help us in the organization of this amazing festival.
5 – When do the Super Volunteers receive their convocation?
By email, about three weeks before the event. In this convocation, you will find :
- Your volunteer schedule.
- The mission(s) you have been assigned to.
- The Super Volunteer Guide (in French).
- Practical information (meal, access map, meeting places, etc.).
6 – How is volunteer information transmitted?
> Every month, a special volunteer newsletter is sent to all volunteers with important information.
> By e-mail and personalized telephone conversation with one of the volunteer coordinators.
> For more live information and to allow you to exchange with other volunteers, a Facebook and Instagram pages had been entirely dedicated to the volunteers of the Vélo Vert Festival. A very useful way to exchange more easily with your volunteer coordination team.
Facebook : @Bénévoles Vélo Vert Festival
Instagram : @super_benevoles
7 – What are the different volunteer meetings?
> 1st volunteer information meeting mid-April.
> Volunteer weekend following the 1st volunteer meeting: picnic, organized outing, etc. An event not to be missed!
> 2nd volunteer information meeting on Wednesday before the start of the #VVFestival.
> Big walk of the volunteers to close together the faur of the VVFestival on Sunday, followed by a big party with all the volunteers! A special moment to thank you and to celebrate together the end of this beautiful event.
8 – What is the meeting time of the Super Volunteers during the event (before, during, after)?
> Before the event (from Saturday to Thursday), the volunteer coordination team will be waiting for you from 7am at the volunteer accommodation center, Le Bérouze.
> During the event, two meeting points are organized:
- From 6am to 8:30am and then from 8pm to 10pm at the volunteer accommodation center.
- From 6am to 8pm at the volunteer space
> After the event (Monday to Wednesday), the volunteer coordination team will be waiting for you from 7am at the volunteer accommodation center.
You can always call the volunteer team to know where you can meet at +33768685666.
9 – Where and how do the Super Volunteers to get their volunteer equipment?
You can pick up the volunteer equipment (t-shirt, bag, whistle and surprises) at the volunteer information meeting the Wednesday before the event.
For volunteers who cannot attend this meeting, their equipment remains available at the volunteer area throughout the event.
10 – Do Super Volunteers need to bring something to eat during the day?
In the morning, you will be able to enjoy a coffee and some treats in the Volunteer Area, and during the day you will receive a full lunch* to keep you going during the event.
Don’t forget the aperitif and the volunteer dinner organized on Sunday evening after the fair closes. It’s the occasion to celebrate the end of the VVFestival together and to thank you for your great help.
*This lunch box is given to volunteers who are on a mission during meal times or who are doing a volunteer mission in the morning and in the afternoon. It is the same for meals and missions related to the evening.
11 – What are the things to remember on the day of the event?
- Your complete Super Volunteer outfit and your badge.
- The document ” Parking Organisation ” if you come by car during the Festival.
- Water bottle, and, depending on the weather : sun cream, rain gear, etc.
12 – At what time do the Super Volunteers finish the day?
Depending on the different missions that you will be assigned to, the end time of your shift will vary. It can end around 12:00 am if you are a morning volunteer, around 6:00 pm or in the evening for the volunteers on mission on the night rides.
13 – Do Super Volunteers have reserved parking?
You just have to put you “Organization Pass” on the dashboard of your car.
We are just waiting for you !
Contact :
Super Volunteer guide
You can find the most important information for a volunteer in this guide (in French).